Sunday, December 21, 2008


Here are the pictures from the Christmas Party that I got from Maris. If anyone has anymore pictures please email them to me so I can get them posted on the blog!
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Saturday, December 20, 2008

Christmas Party

I hear that the party was a success! I was really sad that we couldn't make it but I got stuck at school with the bus students and we wouldn't have made it in to Salt Lake until well after 8:00 p.m. Too bad that the weather didn't cooperate. I wish that we could have seen and visited with everyone. If anyone took any pictures I would love you to email them to me so I can post them on the blog. My email is on the side of the blog. Please email me if you have any! Thanks! Maybe I will be able to make it next year. Thanks Heather and Chris for your hard work and preparations and for opening your house. Thanks to everyone who brought food and helped! It sounds like it was a lot of fun! I sure missed out!!! :(

Thursday, December 4, 2008

It's Almost Here!

The Smith Family Christmas Party is fast approaching! I want to make sure that everyone has it marked on their calendars and are ready to attend. It's Friday, December 19th at the home of Heather and Chris Panos. There is a map that you can look at and print if you need directions to their house. We look forward to seeing all of you there!!!